Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Archive for January, 2009

Movies for Spring: Groundhog Day

Posted by lirala on January 23, 2009

Tree Full of Blossoms

Tree Full of Blossoms

Candlemas – Imbolc – Groundhog Day

February 1 & 2

I don’t know why I associate Dogma with Candlemas. Perhaps it is because of the renewal of Bethany Sloan’s faith. Bethany begins her voyage believing that a male vengeful god stole her ability to have children. As she proceeds through the movie she learns that life is more about faith that things happen for a reasons that we may not understand. She also learns that the Goddess is actually a loving being. Regardless of trappings I love that God is actually a Goddess. I like that said Goddess likes to smell the flowers. I like the idea that faith isn’t knowing, but just a really good idea.
Groundhog Day
Obviously Candlemas is Groundhog Day so what better movie to celebrate the season than this one? Again the topic is renewal and while Phil Connors is not on a search for spiritual renewal what he gets is a whole soul makeover. He learns that one day at a time he can be a better person, make a difference and that is why life is worth living. I think this movie is a wonderful tale of rebirth. The Phil that arrives in Puxatawney the day before Groundhog’s day is very different than Phil who leaves it the day after.

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Pagan/Craft Movies

Posted by lirala on January 13, 2009

Hocus Pocus Video Cover

Hocus Pocus Video Cover

This list has gone through a rigorous selection process. Only those films that meet my exacting criteria have been allowed onto the list. The criterion is: to have to have at least one character who identifies themselves as a Witch or Wiccan. Okay there is one more, the witch cannot be used soley as a way for supernatural evil to enter the plot.

Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson IMDB Page
A good witch who can sing!
Bell, Book and Candle (1958)
James Stewart, Kim Novack IMDB Page
I haven’t seen this movie but the reviews are delightful.
The Craft (1996)
Fairuza Balk, Robin Tunney IMDB Page
While this movie has horror elements it also has some elements that I
really like. Such as the comment about power being neutral, it depends
on the heart of the person wielding it.
The Crucible
Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder IMDB Page
More of a movie that talks about fear and bigotry not the craft. Still it is instructive.
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy IMDB Page
Fairytale witches complete with hooked noses.
Halloweentown (1998)
Debbie Reynolds –Disney TV IMDB Page
I recorded this, but still haven’t managed to bring myself to watch it
I Married a Witch (1942)
Veronica Lake, Fredric March IMDB Page
My sister just gave this too me. I haven’t watched it yet.
Little Witches (1996)
Mimi Reichmeister, Sheeri Rappaport IMDB Page
Ick. I don’t own this one, and am reluctant to get it. Way too much of
a horror movie using witchcraft for effect.
Practical Magic (1998)
Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman IMDB Page
I don’t know why I love this movie so. Probably because of the house.
Sabrina Down Under (1999)
Melissa Joan Hart IMDB Page
Sabrina is a hoot regardless of how hokey the movie is.
Sabrina Goes to Rome (1998)
Melissa Joan Hart IMDB Page
Sabrina goes to Rome and falls in love.
Sabrina the Teen Age Witch (1996)
Melissa Joan Hart IMDB Page
Again, hokey but fun.
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci IMDB Page
I loved this movie, did anyone else see it?
Supergirl (1984)
Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater IMDB Page
I can barely remember this one. Except that witches (even beautiful
ones) have to use their magic to attract men. Icky thought!
Teen Witch (1989)
Robyn Lively, Zelda Rubinstein IMDB Page
An interesting piece for the juvenile audience more about popularity
and peer pressure than the craft.
Witches, The (1990)
Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling IMDB Page
The funniest stereotype of witches I’ve ever seen. Hags who hate
children, have purple eyes and no toes. *giggle* Just too extreme to
be taken seriously.
Witches of Eastwick (1987)
Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer IMDB Page
The acting was fabulous, the sets were great and who wouldn’t want hair
like theirs?
Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
Judy Garland, Frank Morgan IMDB Page
A classic of course.
Worst Witch (1986)
Diana Rigg, Charlotte Rae IMDB Page
A funny movie by Disney with a great guest appearance by Tim Curry.
Interestingly enough Fairuza Balk plays the good girl witch in this
movie and ten years later plays the bad girl witch in The Craft.

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A Creation Story for Cat Lovers

Posted by lirala on January 10, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

On the first day of creation, God created the cat.

On the second day, God created humans to serve the cat.

On the third, God created all the animals of the earth to serve as potential food for the cat.

On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that humans could labor for the good of the cat.

On the fifth day, God created the sparkle ball so that the cat might or might not play with it.

On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the cat healthy and their humans broke.

On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but She had to scoop the litterbox.

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