Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

About Lirala

DSC04698I prefer the term Hedgewitch if you must put a label on my craft.  I know it sounds trite, but my family has certain ‘gifts’ and these were encouraged and not looked down on as bad. We don’t have a pagan religous or circle tradition. Just a handful of various spiritual gifts that were given to various sisters in varying degrees and cultivated within the christian/mormon faith of our parents.

I have two brothers who seem to have skipped out on, or skeptically ignored the gifts.  I am one of seven sisters each with their own identity, gifts, talents and troubles. My mother is very advanced spiritually and didn’t seem to feel that her gifts were negated or invalidated by her religion, on the contrary, to her, they worked together. From her I learned about the mother goddess, healing, herbs, and dreams. I am nowhere near as experienced or as wise. We all have different gifts. Mine are more like my grandmothers.

I read Spiral Dance in 1987 and this introduced me to a larger world of wicca, witchcraft and crafting.  I began to read and study at a leisurely pace till about 1996 when I was hit by a hunger and read a pagan book a week for a couple of years. During this 10 year study space I also finished a bachelor’s degree in history and a masters degree in library science. I currently work as the head of reference for an academic library in the United States.

Most of my craftwork is done as a solitary. On occasion I have worked with family members, and recently found a set of friends with whom I feel comfortable doing ritual.  I must admit, that most of my rituals are small and private.  I am hedgewitch because of my connection and working with herbs, rocks, flowers… the natural world.

Hedgewitch is also an appropriate term because is seems unlikely that I will ever join a Wiccan or Pagan or Christian tradition. I have a good connection to my God/Goddess and I don’t want to mess with that, ever.  I will stay in the hedge somewhat between, with feet on both and neither side.

Blessed Bee


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