Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Archive for the ‘calendar customs’ Category

Movies for Winter: January Crafting

Posted by lirala on December 31, 2009

Weekends in January

I spend a lot of time in January recovering from the hectic holiday season that is Halloween through New Years. I like to use this time to create scrapbooks, candles, and other arts/crafts projects.

Auntie Mame
No one has a good time like Rosalind Russell’s Auntie Mame. A fabulous romp with only one set of fools (the rigid fiance’s parents…).
I love the ability to play that Goldie Hawn demonstrates in this movie. I think it is one of the funniest around.
Practical Magic
The house reeks of crafting, from magic craft to spinning and cooking.
What’s Up Doc
We had this movie on video tape when there were few video tapes to be had. My family watched it a lot. Even though I’ve seen it a zillion times I still think it is one of the funniest movies ever made.
Dharma and Gregg, The TV Series
Very amusing series about an uptight attorney marrying a free-spirited daughter of hippies.

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Movies for Winter: New Years

Posted by lirala on December 30, 2009

December 31 & January 1

Thirteenth Warrior
I think this is one of my favorite movies of all time. I am a huge fan of the story Beowulf and this is an adaptation of it. This is a good film to stay up late and watch. I’m considering finding and watching other viking movies so that I can have nordic film fest.  And if you’ve been following this page you can see that I have added a few. 
Beowulf & Grendel
Gerard Butler as Beowulf the story is an interesting retelling, well worth the watching.
This one starting Christopher Lambert is a fantasy, futuristic, silly romp.
Starring an animated Ray Winstone and Angelina Jolie.
The story of a viking boy left in the new world and raised by natives. Eventually, he must choose which people he belongs to.

Other choices – Any number of film themes would work including:

The Robin Hoods

  • Robin Hood with Errol Flynn
  • Robin Hood the Disney version
  • Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves
  • Robin Hood, Men in Tights
  • The Court Jester
  • Robin of Sherwood, the series

The Jurassic Parks

  • Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic Park, The Lost World
  • Jurassic Park III
  • Godzilla (the Matthew Broderick version for kicks)

The Musketteers

  • Cyranno de Bergerac (with
  • Three Musketeers (with Richard Chamberlain)
  • Four Musketeers (with Richard Chamberlain)
  • Return of the Musketeers (with Richard Chamberlain)
  • Three Musketeers (with Michael Wincott)
  • Man in the Iron Mask (with Richard Chamberlain)

The Aliens

  • Alien
  • Aliens
  • Aliens 3
  • Aliens Ressurection
  • Aliens vs Predator

The Mummys

  • The Mummy (with Brendan Frasier)
  • The Mummy Returns (with Brendan Frasier)
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (with Brendan Frasier)
  • The Scorpion King

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Movies for Winter: Christmas

Posted by lirala on December 29, 2009

December 25

Christmas Carol (Patrick Stewart’s)
The Christmas Carol is one of the few traditional tales that I like. I’m particulary touched by this version. As a Star Trek the Next Generation fan, I liked the inclusion of the flute/whistle instrument that he also used in the series.
Okay so this isn’t a traditional movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it is set at Christmas time and it is delightful. I’m a little non-traditional you could say.
Mixed Nuts
Now here’s a true Christmas movie. It is about acceptance, change, giving, love and having a good time no matter how many disfunctional people get invited to the party.
Muppets Christmas Carol
I really love Gonzo and to have him narrate this version of the Christmas Carol is delightful. I must admit that I fast forward over the schmaltzy love song every time, but otherwise it’s great fun.
Buffy Episodes
Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Amends” (season 3 episode 10)
At Christmas-time, evil haunts Angel, torturing him with visions of his murderous past and urging him to kill Buffy.
Buffy Season 7
As a follow up to the episode Amends watch the entire seventh season, but only if you have the time.

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Movies for Winter: Yule

Posted by lirala on December 27, 2009

Winter Solstice December 20-22

Batman Returns (2).
My favorite scene has to be when Catwoman blows up the department store and says “meow” to Batman and the Penguin. Set at Christmas time this is a film to help you keep perspective on what’s important (good costuming and a whip).
Cinderella (Rogers & Hammerstein)
This movie was released in 1965 and as a little girl it was rerun on television every Christmas season. I loved this movie. I wanted to marry a man who looked like the prince. I now enjoy the irony of the song the stepsisters sing at the ball about Cinderella. Still, this is a charming movie full of nostalgia for me.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

The first of the Harry Potter series. The first time we see Christmas at Hogwarts, it is enchanting.

 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Another beautiful movie.

 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Perhaps I associate the Harry Potter movies with Christmas because they are released around the holiday season. The rest of the movies tend to be a bit darker than the first three and not really Christmasy.  Though there is the Yule Ball in the Goblet of Fire and the Christmas at Grimmauld place in the Order of the Phoenix.

 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1


The Secret of Kells

(see my review at:  A yule film for the theme of the return, saving, and coming of the light.

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Movies for Winter: Decorating

Posted by lirala on December 10, 2009

Varies, I usually decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving.
I love to watch the Lord of the Rings Extended DVD versions while decorating the house for the coming winter holidays.

Fellowship of the Ring
The foundation of the story, the beginning of friendships, trusts and war. I particularly like the scene where the fellowship begins to work as a team in order to fight the orcs and troll in Moria.
Two Towers
Where The Fellowship Of The Ring is about beginnings, The Two Towers is about the ripening and the start of the harvest season. Saruman’s plots come to fruition, Faramir, Frodo, Samwise and Gollum/Smeagol all grow in new directions and we get to see trees go to battle.


Return of the King
Endings, the only movie I’ve ever watched that has 6-7 (depending on how you count them) endings. However, this movie has war, adventure, sorrow and heroism in full measure. I always love the parts where Pippin lights the signal fires, Sam carries Frodo, Eowyn declares “I am no man” and of course, every scene with Legolas and Gimli.


Lord of the Rings Specials
Of course, if you haven’t finished decorating after watching all three of the extended editions you can always move into the special features. There are hours and hours of interesting things to watch. If you’re even more desperate for LOTR info, watch the commentaries that run with the movies.

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Movies for Winter: Thanksgiving

Posted by lirala on November 30, 2009

Road in the WoodsThanksgiving
Varies, Last Thursday of November

Addams Family
Addams Family Values
Aren’t you grateful for your own family? I love the fact that the Addams family values each other regardless of their interests, habits or behavior. I love to watch these two movies around Thanksgiving. I usually watch while making pies or potatos or other feast goodies. The second movie has the additional tie in to the season with the whole Thanksgiving Pageant and the “eat me” song. 🙂
Chicken Run
This is another good movie to cook by. Chickens and pies are the perfect topics for Thanksgiving.
Julie and Julia
Cooking and relationships, nothing more needs to be said.
It may seem misplaced, but this movie really is about being thankful for what we have, what really matters and the importance of retaining your imagination as you get older. I was particularly struck by the old woman carrying all of her possesions on her back. I think we do this too many times.
Anyone can cook. I believe this, but you need practice and desire. I love this movie, the humor the message and it’s great to watch while working on the Thanksgiving Feast.
While the message isn’t overt, it comes through loud and clear to treasure who you have in your life and be thankful for your friends, family, pets and dreams.

Buffy Episodes
Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Pangs” (season 4 episode 8)
Angel secretly arrives in Sunnydale to protect Buffy; Buffy tries to have a perfect Thanksgiving.

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Movies for Winter: Halloween

Posted by lirala on October 20, 2009

Pile of Pumpkins

October 31 & November 1

Craft, The

Although a knowledgeable and public Wiccan was consulted for this movie it wavers between Wicca and fancy. Of course the horror elements are from the director/producer/writers fancy. Still it has beautiful scenes such as those in the park and terrible scenes such as the entire ending with the snakes, bugs and such. I still like to watch it around Halloween and am particularly intrigued by the shop owner.

Hello Again

This 80’s movie stars Shelley Long. Shelley’s character dies and her sister, the witch, raises her from the dead. Hysterical.

Hocus Pocus

The real Halloween movie. Here we have classic fairytale witches set against innocent children. The backdrop of the city of Salem and the night of Halloween is enough to really tip this into disaster. It is saved by the witches themselves. So foul, so absolutely hysterically funny that the movie is one of my favorites. Bette Midler is wonderful and her rendition of “I put a spell on you” as she puts a spell on the adults is enchanting. Sarah Jessica Parker as the blonde ditzy witch is effervescent and funny. Kathy Najimy is able to hold her own and even give some back as the not bright, not dumb, straight man with a twist character. Get this movie now, if you don’t own it already.

Satan’s School For Girls

Originally made in 1973 and remade here for television in 2000 we have a predictable story with mediocre acting by beautiful people. The lead role is played by Shannon Doherty and since this is contemporaneous with one of the early seasons of Charmed the acting in both blend together. Kate Jackson is the one bright amusing spot. In this version she is the school headmistress. In the 1973 version she plays the lead role now done by Doherty. Still it is an amusing tale of wickedness and witches suitable for All Hallows Eve.

Sleepy Hollow

I LOVE this movie. It is so beautiful and so haunting. The acting is terrific and the story solid with a truly terrifying headless horseman.

Witches, The

Angelica Huston is a marvelous Grand High Witch. A young boy and his grandmother end up at a witches convention. And all witches, of course, hate children so the romp ensues with the boy being turned into a mouse.

Witch Mountain

  • Escape to Witch Mountain
  • Return from Witch Mountain
    As an afterthought I have added these two movies. In them two young siblings with “magical” powers are involved in several adventures. In the end of the first movie we find out that they are aliens from another planet living here.
  • Race to Witch Mountain
    The ongoing adventures of Witch Mountain children.

Jack O'Lantern

Buffy Episodes

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Halloween” (season 2 episode 6)
    Someone from Giles’ past wreaks havoc on Halloween, causing Buffy and the gang to be transformed into their costumes.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Fear Itself” (season 4 episode 4)
    The gang finds themselves in a real-life house of horrors at a Halloween party, in which a Fear Demon feeds on their individual fears.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Family” (season 5 episode 6)
    Tara’s family makes a surprise visit to Sunnydale for her birthday, threatening to reveal a shocking secret that could endanger all of their lives.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “All the Way” (season 6 episode 5)
    After Xander announces his engagement to Anya, the gang throws a party for the couple. Meanwhile, Dawn sneaks out and gets into a dangerous situation.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Him” (season 7 episode 6)
    Dawn and Buffy (and then Willow and Anya) fall for the school quarterback, whose jacket is enchanted. Meanwhile, Xander and Spike become reluctant roommates.

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Movies for Autumn: Autumnal Equinox

Posted by lirala on September 1, 2009


Cornbread & Sunflowers

Autumn Equinox/Mabon
September 20-22

Batman Forever (3)
Everyone involved with the cinematography of this film needs to be congratulated. It is a beautiful autumn tale. The leaves blowing around the cars, the tables at Wayne Manor laden with autumn pumpkins and squashes, the costumes on the trick or treating tots are all evocative of fall. Okay, so I also really enjoy a good action movie with superheroes and Val Kilmer is gorgeous in this role.
Batman & Robin (4)
I LOVE Poison Ivy. I want to be her when I grow up. This film always gets me in the mood for working on costumes for Halloween.


Val Kilmer from Ghost and the Darkness
Val Kilmer from ‘Ghost and the Darkness’
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
A lively romp in live action and animation. Set during WWII in England this tale is one of a young witch learning magic via correspondence course and her adventures upon aggreeing to take care of three young children. During the war, many children from the city were farmed out to “safer” locations. The witch is played by Angela Lansbury and is most delightful.
Ghost and the Darkness
Here’s a movie about the magic of animals and the indomitable human spirit. Set in africa the movie itself is one of beauty with long golden dried grasses, tall trees and amazing visuals of hot late summer days. Val Kilmer gives a golden performance as an engineer who becomes a lion hunter to save a project. Another notable performace is Michael Douglas’ slightly mad hunter.

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Movies for Autumn – Lammas

Posted by lirala on July 23, 2009

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Lughnassa – Lammas
July 31 & August 1

Lammas the first harvest, summers ending and autumns beginning.

Grosse Pointe Blank
Ah August, and thoughts return to school. I couldn’t resist this all time best movie about high school reunions and rekindled relationships.

Obviously I need to think about this category some more. Is it dark comedy? Maybe lazy summer days and bonfire nights?  It is hard to decide.

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Movies for Summer: Independence Day

Posted by lirala on June 29, 2009

Lazy River

Lazy River

Independence Day
July 4

Dirty Dancing
An anthem for independence. The character Baby finds her own independence from her father’s good will and the conventions of the time in this movie. I love the summer setting and of course the dancing.
Independence Day
Of course this movie has to be listed here. I loved how the petty bickering between countries completely stopped when the aliens invaded. Of particular note was the piece where the attack plan is being communicated by morse code to the combined arab/israeli forces. The speech by the president at the end is amazing.
Now and Then
This movie is not about mothers, but about friends and growing up, sisterhood. I love it for the deep, long lasting, embedded in childhood, friendships it shows even though I have never experienced such. I’m not sure that many people have had this type of relationship and if you have, you are very lucky. Still, I think profound friendships are not limited to those that begin when we are young. I also think that the relationships shown are not just mirroring friends, but siblings, which I do have. I like the rituals of summer that they show, swimming, riding bikes, playing Red Rover. The 1970’s setting is very nostalgic for me since that is when I was a teenager.

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