Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘altar’

Altar Space

Posted by lirala on January 11, 2011

I cleaned and relaid my altar space today.  I think I’ve found the perfect altar cloth for a kitchen witch.  A new white all cotton dish towel. 




The boxes contain tarot decks, rocks, crystals, bits of wood shavings, pine cone, dried petals, herbs, shells and other treasures.  The roses on either side were gifts from my honey.  I’ve got two fairies watching over things on the roses.  On the rear left is a stack of stones I found on a beach in Monterey. On the rear right is a small aloe vera in a piece of hand made pottery I found in my house when we bought it. The quartz wand on the left was a gift to myself this year. On the right of the candle space is a feather I found where I work. The candle holder is really just a heavy green glass goblet embossed with a leaf pattern.  The little dish to the left of the candle is a piece of pottery I bought from a local artist. I use it for my used matches.   Both are sitting on a green marble 12″ square tile I picked up at a garage sale. In the front is a Rider-Waite in five piles, one for each suit and one for the major arcana.  I’ve got a polished rock representing the first card in each pile sitting on top.  The altar itself is a gift from a friend that my husband refinished for me. It’s an old fashioned type of cedar chest.  It contains more candles and supplies.  The walls of my home office are green and not quite this yellow.  This is the place to begin…

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