Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘autumn’

Movies for Autumn: Autumnal Equinox

Posted by lirala on September 1, 2009


Cornbread & Sunflowers

Autumn Equinox/Mabon
September 20-22

Batman Forever (3)
Everyone involved with the cinematography of this film needs to be congratulated. It is a beautiful autumn tale. The leaves blowing around the cars, the tables at Wayne Manor laden with autumn pumpkins and squashes, the costumes on the trick or treating tots are all evocative of fall. Okay, so I also really enjoy a good action movie with superheroes and Val Kilmer is gorgeous in this role.
Batman & Robin (4)
I LOVE Poison Ivy. I want to be her when I grow up. This film always gets me in the mood for working on costumes for Halloween.


Val Kilmer from Ghost and the Darkness
Val Kilmer from ‘Ghost and the Darkness’
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
A lively romp in live action and animation. Set during WWII in England this tale is one of a young witch learning magic via correspondence course and her adventures upon aggreeing to take care of three young children. During the war, many children from the city were farmed out to “safer” locations. The witch is played by Angela Lansbury and is most delightful.
Ghost and the Darkness
Here’s a movie about the magic of animals and the indomitable human spirit. Set in africa the movie itself is one of beauty with long golden dried grasses, tall trees and amazing visuals of hot late summer days. Val Kilmer gives a golden performance as an engineer who becomes a lion hunter to save a project. Another notable performace is Michael Douglas’ slightly mad hunter.

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Movies for Autumn – Lammas

Posted by lirala on July 23, 2009

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Lughnassa – Lammas
July 31 & August 1

Lammas the first harvest, summers ending and autumns beginning.

Grosse Pointe Blank
Ah August, and thoughts return to school. I couldn’t resist this all time best movie about high school reunions and rekindled relationships.

Obviously I need to think about this category some more. Is it dark comedy? Maybe lazy summer days and bonfire nights?  It is hard to decide.

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