Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘calendar customs’

Movies for Winter: Halloween

Posted by lirala on October 20, 2009

Pile of Pumpkins

October 31 & November 1

Craft, The

Although a knowledgeable and public Wiccan was consulted for this movie it wavers between Wicca and fancy. Of course the horror elements are from the director/producer/writers fancy. Still it has beautiful scenes such as those in the park and terrible scenes such as the entire ending with the snakes, bugs and such. I still like to watch it around Halloween and am particularly intrigued by the shop owner.

Hello Again

This 80’s movie stars Shelley Long. Shelley’s character dies and her sister, the witch, raises her from the dead. Hysterical.

Hocus Pocus

The real Halloween movie. Here we have classic fairytale witches set against innocent children. The backdrop of the city of Salem and the night of Halloween is enough to really tip this into disaster. It is saved by the witches themselves. So foul, so absolutely hysterically funny that the movie is one of my favorites. Bette Midler is wonderful and her rendition of “I put a spell on you” as she puts a spell on the adults is enchanting. Sarah Jessica Parker as the blonde ditzy witch is effervescent and funny. Kathy Najimy is able to hold her own and even give some back as the not bright, not dumb, straight man with a twist character. Get this movie now, if you don’t own it already.

Satan’s School For Girls

Originally made in 1973 and remade here for television in 2000 we have a predictable story with mediocre acting by beautiful people. The lead role is played by Shannon Doherty and since this is contemporaneous with one of the early seasons of Charmed the acting in both blend together. Kate Jackson is the one bright amusing spot. In this version she is the school headmistress. In the 1973 version she plays the lead role now done by Doherty. Still it is an amusing tale of wickedness and witches suitable for All Hallows Eve.

Sleepy Hollow

I LOVE this movie. It is so beautiful and so haunting. The acting is terrific and the story solid with a truly terrifying headless horseman.

Witches, The

Angelica Huston is a marvelous Grand High Witch. A young boy and his grandmother end up at a witches convention. And all witches, of course, hate children so the romp ensues with the boy being turned into a mouse.

Witch Mountain

  • Escape to Witch Mountain
  • Return from Witch Mountain
    As an afterthought I have added these two movies. In them two young siblings with “magical” powers are involved in several adventures. In the end of the first movie we find out that they are aliens from another planet living here.
  • Race to Witch Mountain
    The ongoing adventures of Witch Mountain children.

Jack O'Lantern

Buffy Episodes

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Halloween” (season 2 episode 6)
    Someone from Giles’ past wreaks havoc on Halloween, causing Buffy and the gang to be transformed into their costumes.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Fear Itself” (season 4 episode 4)
    The gang finds themselves in a real-life house of horrors at a Halloween party, in which a Fear Demon feeds on their individual fears.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Family” (season 5 episode 6)
    Tara’s family makes a surprise visit to Sunnydale for her birthday, threatening to reveal a shocking secret that could endanger all of their lives.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “All the Way” (season 6 episode 5)
    After Xander announces his engagement to Anya, the gang throws a party for the couple. Meanwhile, Dawn sneaks out and gets into a dangerous situation.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Him” (season 7 episode 6)
    Dawn and Buffy (and then Willow and Anya) fall for the school quarterback, whose jacket is enchanted. Meanwhile, Xander and Spike become reluctant roommates.

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Movies for Autumn: Autumnal Equinox

Posted by lirala on September 1, 2009


Cornbread & Sunflowers

Autumn Equinox/Mabon
September 20-22

Batman Forever (3)
Everyone involved with the cinematography of this film needs to be congratulated. It is a beautiful autumn tale. The leaves blowing around the cars, the tables at Wayne Manor laden with autumn pumpkins and squashes, the costumes on the trick or treating tots are all evocative of fall. Okay, so I also really enjoy a good action movie with superheroes and Val Kilmer is gorgeous in this role.
Batman & Robin (4)
I LOVE Poison Ivy. I want to be her when I grow up. This film always gets me in the mood for working on costumes for Halloween.


Val Kilmer from Ghost and the Darkness
Val Kilmer from ‘Ghost and the Darkness’
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
A lively romp in live action and animation. Set during WWII in England this tale is one of a young witch learning magic via correspondence course and her adventures upon aggreeing to take care of three young children. During the war, many children from the city were farmed out to “safer” locations. The witch is played by Angela Lansbury and is most delightful.
Ghost and the Darkness
Here’s a movie about the magic of animals and the indomitable human spirit. Set in africa the movie itself is one of beauty with long golden dried grasses, tall trees and amazing visuals of hot late summer days. Val Kilmer gives a golden performance as an engineer who becomes a lion hunter to save a project. Another notable performace is Michael Douglas’ slightly mad hunter.

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Movies for Autumn – Lammas

Posted by lirala on July 23, 2009

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Lughnassa – Lammas
July 31 & August 1

Lammas the first harvest, summers ending and autumns beginning.

Grosse Pointe Blank
Ah August, and thoughts return to school. I couldn’t resist this all time best movie about high school reunions and rekindled relationships.

Obviously I need to think about this category some more. Is it dark comedy? Maybe lazy summer days and bonfire nights?  It is hard to decide.

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Movies for Summer: Independence Day

Posted by lirala on June 29, 2009

Lazy River

Lazy River

Independence Day
July 4

Dirty Dancing
An anthem for independence. The character Baby finds her own independence from her father’s good will and the conventions of the time in this movie. I love the summer setting and of course the dancing.
Independence Day
Of course this movie has to be listed here. I loved how the petty bickering between countries completely stopped when the aliens invaded. Of particular note was the piece where the attack plan is being communicated by morse code to the combined arab/israeli forces. The speech by the president at the end is amazing.
Now and Then
This movie is not about mothers, but about friends and growing up, sisterhood. I love it for the deep, long lasting, embedded in childhood, friendships it shows even though I have never experienced such. I’m not sure that many people have had this type of relationship and if you have, you are very lucky. Still, I think profound friendships are not limited to those that begin when we are young. I also think that the relationships shown are not just mirroring friends, but siblings, which I do have. I like the rituals of summer that they show, swimming, riding bikes, playing Red Rover. The 1970’s setting is very nostalgic for me since that is when I was a teenager.

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Movies for Summer: Solstice

Posted by lirala on June 13, 2009



Summer Solstice – Midsummer – Litha
June 20-22

How to Make an American Quilt
Winona Ryder may be the focus of the film, but it is the cast of older women who really steal and make this movie. Maya Angelou, Anne Bancroft, Ellen Burstyn, Lois Smith and all the rest give us rich performances of how the past creates the present. The choices we make determine our lives, but we are not powerless to change our perceptions of our choices. I thought this was a very moving movie.
Midsummer Night’s Dream
I haven’t watched this version of Shakespeare’s play, but since it is set at Midsummer and titled Midsummer it had to be listed here.

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Movies for Summer: Father’s Day

Posted by lirala on June 5, 2009

Fly Away Home

Fly Away Home

Fathers Day
Sunday in June

Fly Away Home
A heartwarming (sorry for the cliche) story of a young girl who moves in with her dad when her mother dies. The dad, a free thinking and wheeling artist. Eventually she finds and nurtures a clutch of baby geese. Refusing to have their wings clipped to prevent them from flying, she and her dad teach them to fly. Using ultralight aircraft they then lead/teach the geese to fly south for the winter. This is a gorgeously filmed movie with a great story about the relationship of a father and a daughter.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Fathers and sons have complicated relationships. This movie depicts one where the distant father raises a creative, intelligent son. It is, of course, a jolly good romp of an adventure too.
Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi
The middle movie, Empire Strikes Back most illuminating in our search for father and son stories. Okay, maybe I’m not taking this seriously…

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Movies for Summer: Mother’s Day

Posted by lirala on May 13, 2009

Stream and Pool

Stream and Pool

Mothers Day
Sunday in May

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
I am not sure why, but I was reluctant to watch this movie. It may have been because of it’s portrayl of alcoholism and addiction (of which my family knows too much about). I ended up watching the last third on tv because I was flipping channels and got caught. I then went out and bought a copy so I could see the whole thing. I’m uncomfortable with the ‘out of control’ scenes (I do not drink because of a promise I made to my grandfather who died of cancer from a lifetime of alcoholism and cigarettes.) On the other hand I love the relationships of the women to each other, to the daughter and to the men in their life. It’s a beautiful movie and definitely one to watch when you need a good cry.
First Wives Club
It may not be about mothers directly, but it is certainly about women and girl power. I love this movie and its message of sisterhood, teamwork, love, triumph and self-esteem.


Fried Green Tomatoes
Another movie of sisterhood, motherhood and girl power. The story is compelling and the characters are well crafted and interesting. I am particularly drawn to the Kathy Bates character Evelyn Couch and her transformation as she hears the stories of Idgie. I think many of us can identify with Evelyn and her life stuck on hold. We may not be in her exact situation but how many times are we stuck? This is one of those movies that make me believe I can do something new or different.
Joy Luck Club
Anytime I need a good cry I watch this movie. It is a profound film about mothers and daughters and their relationships. It helped me to understand how I too am part of a set of stairs where the problems of my mother and grandmother have been somehow translated through me to my daughter. I recognize that it isn’t only problems, but talents, interests, and other characteristics. I really think this movie is worth watching for anyone trying to pursue a self discovery/healing process in regards to their mother.
Sweet, funny, romantic, sad, all about relationships, mothers, daughters, friends, a language barrier and then there’s a bit about food.

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Movies for Summer: May Day

Posted by lirala on April 23, 2009

Summer Stream

Summer Stream

Beltane – May Day

April 30 & May 1

I saw this in the theater when it came out and was sooooooo impressed. Watching it now, though all I can do is laugh and hope that it ends soon. First there’s Merlin with his Snidely Whiplash accent, the man is practically twirling his mustache he’s playing it so broadly. Then there’s the sniveling John from Lion in Winter pretending to be King Arthur. And then there’s the jumping from moment to moment and all that football player styled armor. ARRRRRRGH. On the other hand, it does show the land and the king as being one and I liked the lady in the lake. This isn’t one that I’ll watch very often.
King Arthur
I loved this movie! I loved the historical context, the costuming, the lack of sniveling. I thought the portrayl of tensions between Christians and Pagans was delightful and the Merlin was believable. I do not love big battle scenes, but this movie focuses on the individuals involved, not just the mass movements. As for mystical elements, there really aren’t any, but the beauty of the filming and the wildness of the setting more than makes up for it.
This cheesy rendition of the tale of King Arthur revolves around Merlin as portrayed by Sam Neill. I wasn’t sure if I should add it, but if you’re going to watch a bunch of King Arthur movies, why not this one? I do like the portrayl of magic as being neither good nor evil inherently, but being dependent on the individual. I loved the concept that belief is required for certain things like magic to exist. Helena Bonham Carter was wonderful as a nutty Morgan Le Fey and somehow she and Martin Short as Frik created one of my favorite relationships. There are definitely overtones of Mary Stewart’s well known books in this movie.
Mists of Avalon

Mists of Avalon

Mists of Avalon
A story about the women involved in the story of King Arthur. This is the most mystical, pagan and wiccan telling of the story it includes a rite of Beltane, the training of the Morgaine, the lifting of the mists to show Avalon, the continuance of the Goddess in the guise of Mary… The soundtrack was great and the visual photography was stunning.
Mamma Mia
Here’s a movie that really does include a Beltane ritual. Right in the middle there’s the bacheloret party and ZOWIE!

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Movies for Spring: April Fools Day

Posted by lirala on March 27, 2009



April Fools Day

April 1st

Fish Called Wanda
If ever there was an April Fools movie, this one is it. Everyone gets to fool someone and be fooled. Kevin Kline is particularly memorable as the crazy American.
Fierce Creatures
Another fabulous movie from the Monty Python crowd and another big April Fools joke as the zookeeper tries to get people to believe that the cute fuzzy animals are “fierce creatures.”

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Movies for Spring: Easter

Posted by lirala on March 23, 2009



Easter – Ostara

Varies, First Sunday after the First Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox

Alice in Wonderland
A heartwarming tale of a girl and a bunny… Who could ask for anything more? My favorite version is the audio tale read by Ginger Rogers. This Disney version is pretty good.
Easter Parade
Judy Garland and Fred Astair in a marvelous musical celebrating spring and really big hats.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Another tale of a girl and a bunny…

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