Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘card if the day’

Nutrition – Health (Tuesday August 4th)

Posted by lirala on August 6, 2009

Good Food

Good Food

My Twitter for the day read: Card of the day: nutrition – health (WTF? it’s like they ran out of ideas for words they wanted to use, why not bird seed or bird feeders??)

And I think that’s all that really does need to be said about word association.

Today was a 12 hour driving day. The drive was beautiful, mountains, streams, trees, wildflower… ah nature. Driving brings out the bad food cravings like nothing else can. I’ve been working on changing my focus from what I want that’s bad to what I could want that’s good.  I’d call this a very good day nutritionally speaking, particularly for a driving day. No junk food from the stop-and-robs and moderate fast food.  I did indulge in a Dr. Pepper. This is my favorite soda, but most of the time I don’t drink soda pop. It’s just too much in the way of caffeine, sugars, and corn syrup.  I end up with headaches from soda so I generally avoid it.  However, there is much to recommend it when you need to stay awake while driving.  I just have to make sure I take advil with it.  🙂

Yeah, I’d say this was a great card for the day, I just wish they’d done a better job with the imagery.  Shoulda been a bird feeder.

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