Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘cared of the day’

Hummingbird – Energy (Thursday August 6th)

Posted by lirala on August 8, 2009

Allens Hummingbird

Allens Hummingbird

This is a fantastic match between bird and concept. If ever there was a bird going non-stop it would be a hummingbird.

The day began and I thought that it would be about managing my excess energy.  Nope, that wasn’t meant to be, instead it was the need FOR energy.  I stopped for breakfast before heading to the conference.  While eating I felt my face getting hot. While standing waiting to pay, it seemed to get hotter.  I got to my car and looked and I was red as a beet, neck included and had started breaking out in hives.  I drove back to my hotel and took two benadryl then ran through the shower. After slathering on some cortisone cream I went to bed hoping for the best. I did consider going to the hospital, but thought I’d give it an hour and see if I couldn’t bring things down myself. If it had worsened, you better believe I’d have gone.

I usually only take 1 benadryl.  Two knocked me out for the full 4 hours. I did check on my status at the 30 minute mark and the hives on my elbows had started to go away so full on sleep seemed smart.  I was very relieved to wake up and be free of redness and hives. PHEW! I went to the second half of my conference day feeling sleepy and relieved.  Yeah, I definitely needed more energy.

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