Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘finances’

Spellwork – Financial Improvement

Posted by lirala on July 20, 2009

Coins in Jar

Coins in Jar

On Friday I twittered: Tonight a little spellwork with friends. Everyone has fiscal needs: sell house, get job, write and get raise, unblock financial aid… And this is what we did…

We got together with the goal of improving our financial situations. Each person took the time to write out his or her goal on a piece of paper.

It is useful to be as precise as possible when writing out a goal or objective for spell work. Exact amounts, time etc.. can help you focus on what it is you are really expecting. If you only need 20 dollars, only ask for 20 dollars. Just asking for general improvement can result in only a small improvement. Asking for the moon or the lottery will usually result in failure. It is my opinion and experiences that the universe works and will easily grant the achievable. For instance a new job in a field you are qualified for, a specific amount of money to achieve an exact goal. If the need for money is to buy an object such as a car, then it is better to do the working for the car, not money. Let the universe and powers-that-be get you the car you need; it’ll be easier than trying to get the money, trust me.

It is easier for me to manifest a bed, a video cabinet, 20 dollars, or a book – things that I have already done/achieved, than it is for me to manifest an unspecific amount of money, i.e.. “More money”. My guess is that it will be easier for you too. One morning I woke up thinking that I really needed a new videotape cabinet. My house was overflowing with movies and I needed to control the mess. So I got up, found my husband and headed out looking for garage sales. He noticed a sign and impulsively turned in the direction of that sale. It was not on our list. We walked up to the sale and there was a videotape cabinet for five dollars. Exactly what we were looking for in our price range.

We were feeling very lucky so I asked him what else we needed. He said a double bed for our guest room. So I said out loud, “Now, I want a double bed” in my head I visualized both the mattress and box springs. We drove around the corner to the garage sale on the list and there it was, a barely used set for one dollar. Wishing can work, be specific, think small and necessary, and then do the work/looking.

Back to the ritual… After writing our goals on paper we then had our firestarter (she can’t help but play with fire) light a candle for each of us. Actually, I had brought out my entire collection of green and yellow jar candles (both are good colors for money/gold). She easily lit 7 of them but the 8th wouldn’t light. She stopped trying saying that it wasn’t cooperating. I don’t remember who noticed it, but there was one for each of us, we didn’t need the 8th. Instead of using them to create a circle around us, we each took one lit candle outside.

Along with the candles we took the cakes (cookies) in their holy serving containers (ziplock bags) and the wine (sparkling cider and wine and paper cups).

We assembled in a rough circle, called the quarters and then each of us read our piece of paper, lit it with our candle and put it in the waiting cast iron cauldron to let it finish burning, releasing our wishes to the universe.

After each of us had gone, it was suggested that we take a moment and visualize the wish coming true and then placing that visualization into the cauldron. We sealed our wishes with cakes ‘may you never hunger’ and ale ‘may you never thirst’.

The next morning I took the ashes from the cauldron and placed them in a bag to take with us to the mountains. In Montana we spent the day digging for quartz crystals. Once the rest of our non-pagan party had departed we stood together, each taking a pinch of ash from the bag, we formed a line and let the ashes go in the wind. It was a great moment at 8,000 feet up in the quiet, with the wind shushing though the pine trees. We cast our wishes out to the universe.

It is now up to all of us to do the rest of the work on the physical plane to get what we wished for. The thing is, you have to act as if the wish is either true or will be true momentarily.

Caveat, the powers-that-be and the universe work at their own pace, time, and way. If it doesn’t work there is a reason, and you must figure that out. The larger the wish the more work you must do on the physical plane and them more time/effort needed. I probably don’t need to say that you should be careful what you wish for.

Once I wished for a more interesting/challenging job. Instead of a new job I got new employees that were definitely challenging. I grew and became a better manager but it sure was a tough time.

Wishing or wishcraft is the core of most spells just remember to be  careful, be specific, and do the physical work.

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