Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘nuthatches’

Nuthatch – Flexibility

Posted by lirala on July 20, 2009

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

Ah yes, this is a great word association. The little nuthatch is one of my favorite birds, it is unique in that it walks down the tree trunk looking for bugs instead of working up the tree like woodpeckers do.  The nuthatch is always craning its flexible neck to look up and around. They are adorable, adaptable and charming.

This was the day that we drove 4 hours into Montana to go hunting for crystals. With the warning of flexiblity I took the precaution of wearing yoga pants instead of jeans and was far more comfortable than I usually am when digging. Physically this was a great suggestion. As the day wore on I realized that I was also being more aware of the need to be flexible when making decisions on what to do. We were a large enough group – 12 that this was also important.

Great card I must say.

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