Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘osho zen’

Living Life

Posted by lirala on October 1, 2008

Inner Voices

Inner Voices

I had an epiphany recently. I was doing my evening stretches and thinking, pondering on the tarot card for the evening.  Osha Zen’s “Inner Voices” card.  As my mind wandered over my life and goals I realized that I had been focusing too much on weight loss (a theme of struggle co-dependent with my self image).  I had been making good progress over the past few years and needed to focus on what changes I had already made and how it made me feel.  I need to hear my inner voice that says to LIVE my life, not focus so much on my body that I forget to enjoy where I’m at and what I’m able to do.

As I continued to stretch and think I realized there is very little in my life that I want to do that I cannot because of weight.  The first thing I thought of was wearing high heels on a regular basis.  In high school I wore three inch heels everyday. Through most of my college life I wore them.  I miss wearing sexy shoes.  I have lost enough weight that I can wear high heeled ankle boots on days when I don’t have to walk much.  But wearing a regular gorgeous pump is still eluding me.

I can’t ride a bike comfortably. Perhaps because I haven’t really tried.  On the other hand, where am I going to ride it and why?   I live on a hill near fairly busy streets. For me to ride a bike like I used to I’d need to take it out to the countryside.  This is probably more of a practice issue than a  real physical cannot.  The same goes for riding horses. I don’t have one to ride regularly and I feel weird on one since I weigh 80 lbs more than I did when I had a horse.  It would probably be fine if I’d just practice.

There’s a lot of things that make me uncomfortable because I weigh so much. Things like airplane travel, though with how irksome security is now…   But I go swimming when I want, I can walk and go up stairs, dance, sing, laugh and even stand up after sitting on the floor.

So I can’t wear high heeled pumps.  Well BFD.  I’m healthy, I have a wonderful husband, great friends, a car that gets exceptional gas mileage, perhaps it is time to focus on the good and see if that won’t help this next 10 lbs melt away.

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