Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘pelicans’

Pelican – Spontaneity

Posted by lirala on August 1, 2009

American White Pelican

American White Pelican

Pelican’s have traditionally been associated with sacrifice, it was thought that they fed their young blood pecked from their own breast. Pelican’s don’t move with any kind of spontaneity either. To take off they have to put a lot of effort into it. Once airborne they are gorgeous flying with long wing beats and soaring up thermals. They reminded me of B52 airplanes from World War II, flying in formation with wingbeats matching up like a drill team. They are a marvel to watch. But they are far from spontaneous.

Ignoring the irritating bird/word association, the day didn’t seem very spontaneous. Not until evening when I was eating and suddenly there was a hard bit. The hard bit was a piece of my tooth that I didn’t even know was loose/chipped. How weird is that?! I had a big filling in the tooth so it was just a bit off the side. Later I lost the filling too. So now I can look forward to dental work on Monday morning. I am sooooo not excited about this.

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