Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘ravens’

Raven – Illusion

Posted by lirala on July 14, 2009

Three Ravens

Three Ravens

One of my best friends sent me the Bird Signs: Guidance and Wisdom from Our Feathered Friends oracle deck the other day. I’m tweeting the card that I pull each morning and then will be following up with a post the next day.

Yesterday was the beginning of this process.  The card of the day was Raven – Illusion.

First, I don’t find that Ravens are prone to illusions. Mischievousness, fun, play, tricks, clown, entertainment, survival, intelligence, wits, are all words I find more suited to the bird.  I did not connect where the official meaning of the card intersected with the bird. It was just not right, to me.

So did illusion play out in my day? Philosophically, I guess illusion is part of every day, as we put on masks and play the parts of our lives that we expect or others expect of us.

Did the card help me in any way to see things more clearly?  Nope, not really.

However, if I take my idea of the raven being fun or playful, tricksy or smart then yes. The raven was part of my day as I interacted with friends and continued the process of creating and playing with my home office. I’m trying to re-arrange things in my overflowing home office so that it is more conducive to creativity and fun.

We’ll see what tomorrow may bring…

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