Lirala's Letters

Crafting a life by the seasons

Posts Tagged ‘water’

Spell Bottles

Posted by lirala on July 21, 2009



Last year at Lammas, we did an open working using spell bottles.  Here are the basics…

1. Determine your goal or objective for the bottle. This is good for something that will manifest itself over a period of time. i.e. new job, overcoming writers block, helping job issues…

2. Find a bottle that you think is appropriate, any size, shape, color etc…

3. Fill the bottle with things that you associate with your goal, add water/oil, charge with intent/energy/prayer, and seal with wax.

  • Rocks, minerals, crystals, shards, glass, beads, jewelry bits, herbs, flowers, petals, leaves, nails, tacks, string, coins, fruit, veggies, shells, anything that you associate with your goal
  • Water from streams, oceans, ponds, faucets, mineral water, sparkling water, rosewater, flavored water, or go with an oil such as almond or mineral, again associate the liquid with your goal
  • As you are filling the bottle keep in mind the goal you are trying to achieve and the whys of every ingredient you add. After it is filled, but before being capped be sure to charge with intent/energy/prayer.
    Seal the edges of the lid with sealing wax or candle wax.
  • Decorate exterior of bottle as you feel appropriate.

4. Place the bottle in a place where you can see it on a regular basis and shake it and remember what you are trying to achieve.

5. After a certain amount of time has passed (add the timing part to your energy work when you create the bottle) you will need to empty it. This may or may not be after you have achieved your goal. The two ways of emptying that I recommend is either onto the earth/ground, maybe in your garden or along your fence line, or in a stream as long as you didn’t put anything toxic into the bottle. Alternately, if you charged the bottle with something that doesn’t have a end date, you could keep it forever as a reminder of something such as being nicer, or happier, or more creative…

In our working we had access to a variety of waters because of the research of one of our group. He had brought geyser water, and spring water, and sulfer water and several other gallons of water from other sources. Another member brought a bunch of dried herbs and I contributed a pile of small quartz crystals, obsidian shards and other pieces of small rock.  An old crockpot served as a wax warmer for sealing the bottles.  It was a great deal of fun to spend time together talking about correspondences and creating the bottles. Books about magic and herbs, rocks, ingredients were available for perusal. Since this was an open working we did not create a circle.

The geyser water was a particular favorite since we believed it would create sudden and abrupt change unlike the pure drinkable spring water…  I know of one instance (not my own, I refused to use the geyser water) where the change of state occurred within the week. She literally moved to another state and another job.

A quick search on Google turned up some other interesting spell bottle resources/ideas.

Other forms of spell bottle magic
Concrete recipes for various spell bottles
Spell bottle recipe for protection
Spell bottle pendants for sale

P.S. Make your own it will work better than the ones you buy.

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